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Happy Birthday | 25 Life Lessons Learned By 26

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Happy Birthday | 25 Life Lessons Learned By 26 Musings of Jessica Marie

Another birthday is nothing to take lightly. It’s truly a blessing living long enough to experience another 365 days around the sun. Each year carries a number of lost loved ones, so it’s important to celebrate, no matter how small, each joyous occasion. 

My 26th birthday is rapidly approaching. At the time of this blog, I only have four days left before I enter the back half of my 20’s and I’d like to share 25 things I’ve learned over the short duration of my life. This list is in no particular order, but of course, some carry more weight than others. 

  1. Family is the most important thing in life. 

  2. Manage your money correctly in your youth so you can retire comfortably in your later years.

  3. The older you get, the more set in your ways you become. That’s why it’s hard to change habits that have been there for decades. 

  4. Never quit your current job before having another job or income-producing activity lined up. 

  5. People make mistakes all day, every day. Have grace and a loving heart when it happens. 

  6. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Life is too short to have additional, unnecessary stress.

  7. School, specifically college, is a scam. Don’t get finessed by getting an advanced degree and racking up student loans thinking that’s the route you’re “supposed” to take in life.

  8. Eat your fruits, veggies, and take your vitamins. Maintaining the inside of your body is the first step to maintaining the outside. 

  9. Acne is a normal, yet annoying, part of life. Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do to stop it from gracing your face. 

  10. Secure your husband early and be careful of showing too much skin. You don’t want to accidentally convey the wrong message to potential mates. 

  11. Life is full of choices and tradeoffs since there’s not enough time in the day to do everything. Weigh the options and go after the task that is most important. 

  12. Never go to bed angry or upset with your significant other. Remember, it’s you both against the world, not you both against each other. 

  13. Make the effort to stay in touch with aging parents and family members. 

  14. Friendships look different when you get older, and that’s okay.

  15. Vote for tangibles. 

  16. Act as a lady and you’ll be treated as a lady. 

  17. Living and existing are two separate things. Try to stay present in the moment so life doesn’t pass you by.

  18. You can always count on something coming up whether it’s an unexpected bill, a miscalculated judgment, or just an unfortunate event.

  19. Don’t speak out of anger. You don’t ever want to say something you can’t take back. 

  20. Teachers didn’t force us to read in grade school just for fun. It helps keep your brain sharp as you age.

  21. There’s no point in crying over spilled milk. Yes, there are things we wish we would’ve known, but we can only move forward in life. There’s no way to go back and change the past, so don’t waste your time or energy on would haves, could haves, should haves. 

  22. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is quite arguably the overall best TV series ever created. 

  23. We all have prejudice. The key is recognizing it and keeping it from impacting how you interact with other people. 

  24. Nothing in this world gets me more emotionally distraught than my husband and dogs being injured or upset. 

  25. Money comes and money goes. If you hold on to it too tightly, you don’t allow room for more money to enter your life. 

The longer I live, the more I realize that adults don’t have everything figured out like I thought they did when I was younger. Life is about a lot of trial and error such as researching what to do, making a decision, and learning from the consequences to hopefully either repeat what worked, or prevent what didn’t work from happening again. There’s no Ned’s Declassified Guide to Adulthood unfortunately. 

While my life definitely keeps getting more difficult with time, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I’m grateful for my family and the opportunities I have to make our lives meaningful. Cheers to 26 years around the sun.

If you enjoyed this episode, let me know by giving this video a thumbs up, leaving a comment, and subscribing to my channel. I’ll see you in the next episode! 


Jessica Marie